Program that will run x ray from efilm lite
Program that will run x ray from efilm lite

This program is a normal shader - it transforms the object normal into world space and scales it so that each component lies between 0 and 1. In this tutorial, we bind one simple closest hit program to each object in the scene. The user can create multiple closest hit programs and bind each to objects in the scene, so that different objects may have different appearances. Typically the purpose of the closest hit program is to determine the color of the intersection point. It is executed whenever OptiX finds the closest intersection between a ray and an object. The most common program type in OptiX is the closest hit program.

program that will run x ray from efilm lite

More advanced rendering techniques and scientific computing with OptiX will also not be covered here.

program that will run x ray from efilm lite

This tutorial is intended only to get you started with OptiX advanced features such as visit programs and acceleration structures can be found in other SDK samples. The complete source code for both the CUDA C and host API portions is included in the SDK.

program that will run x ray from efilm lite

This tutorial focuses on the CUDA C programming mechanism and does not describe how the host API is used to set up the objects. In this section, we discuss each of these stages and show programs for both shading and intersection. The sample consists of eleven stages, each stage adding a new effect. The OptiX SDK provides a source code sample, tutorial, that demonstrates how to implement several basic ray tracing effects, from trivially simple to moderately complex.

Program that will run x ray from efilm lite