You will need to perform that copy command manually with the destination directory properly wrapped in quotes. If your plug-in directory contains a space in its name (as would happen if it is in the Application Support folder), then there will be a copy command which failed listed. Step 3: Now copy all these files & folders and paste in /home/username/.gimp-2.8 folder. You are going to get all these files and folders inside the unzipped folder. Step 2: Unzip it and extract the files out. Look at the output for the install command. Step 1: Download GIMP Paint Studio by visiting this link.Follow the build and install instructions for Linux.

Install GIMP with MacPorts: sudo port install gimp +quartz (You can leave off the +quartz if you prefer GIMP to run in the X11 environment instead of natively.).Add /opt/local/libexec/gnubin to your PATH to make them the GNU tools the default: PATH=/opt/local/libexec/gnubin:$PATH (You can also add this to your login profile if you want the change to be permanent).Install prerequisites: sudo port install coreutils.See the release page for details.įor those interested in remaining on the cutting edge, the instructions to compile are as follows: Please note: it may not work in every GIMP/MacOS version. Starting from BIMP 2.5, the MacOS version is available in the Release page. To make and install for every user in the system (needs root privileges).